Hearing Impairment
the point of view of education, children with hearing imparment are those who
have a certain degree of hearing loss. And the hearing loss affects the ability
to anad speak develop language. When the degree of hearing loss is high, the
person can be deaf. And when the intensity level is not too high the person is
considere hard hearing.
hearing loss can be devided into some thresholds. The meansureement of the
hearing loss is decided by the use of audiometer. The mild hearing loss iss
26-54 Db, mederete is 55-69 dB, severe is 70-89 and profound is 90 dB and
cause of hearing loss is based on the location of parts of the ear. Conductive
losses are impairments in the conductive pathways in outher or middle ear.
Conductive losss are usually caused by
empirical problem. When the problems happen in the inner part of the ear, the
impairments are sensorineural problems. These are usually caused by hereditory
with hearing impairment usually have problems in social and personality
development. This is because of their disabillty in communication both in
expressing and receiving the messages. And to help them there are two basic
approaches, oral and manual approaches. Oral approach trains the to use their
ability to understand and speak. While manual approach teaches them tu use sign
language for communication. But nowadays these two approaches tand to be
combined. This combination is called total communication.
education program for the hearing impaired children is basically possible for
the academic development. But some people tend to emphasize more on vocational
skills. These two possible programs can be chosen depending on the ability and
capability of the impaired child as an individual.
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